Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy New Year & A Sincere 'Thank You' (e-version)

We just want to take an opportunity to say Happy New Year and 'Thank You' for being in our lives. Whether you are in it daily, monthly or bi-annually, we love you and this is the best way we know to let you all know that you are very much thought of. We are not good ... actually embarrassingly bad at Christmas cards and any other kind of note that you can think of. We are still staring at a pile of thank you notes from our wedding ceremony from April '06. We're also staring down a pile of thank you notes for Liam's baby shower and his announcements. If I were to try to justify ourselves, I would say we're trying to go 'green' by not sending cards, paper and being e-friendly. The truth is that we get so consumed in everyday life that we don't get around to it. It's not that we don't want to. We buy the things or in one case they were given to us for a present - already stamped and addressed - and we still haven't sent them out. We're great at intention, bad at execution. Our hope is that we isolate that to this are of life. So if you're waiting for a thank you note from us for any event, please be patient, it might come one day. Until that hopeful day, please know during this season that we thank you, we appreciate you and we're honored you're in our lives.


melbelle said...

This is from Matt: We are thankful for you, too. We are also very disappointed that we have not gotten a thank you note yet. Just kidding. But seriously...Just kidding.*

*This message is not approved by Melissa Toy.

Unknown said...

Stinkin' cute kid.

Courtney said...

Thank you notes are such an overrated thing! That boy is sooo DELO-icious. Haha. The Ellis girls have a way with making beautiful babies!