Sunday, January 27, 2008

2008 - a year in (p)review

Three weeks into a new year and I don't even remember what my resolutions were, or if I even made any. So is life with an infant I suppose. We're slightly sleep deprived (as compared to the college years), juggling houses, jobs, time for each other and trying to open a business. Alot of territory that we have never ventured into before, some we never thought we would. But I know that I wouldn't trade any of it for the most comfortable life that this world would have to offer. That would feel easy, wasted and like we were cheating our opportunities. So we will press on with an unbreakable love for each other (the trio), faith and wonderful community of friends and family we have to keep us grounded by laughing at our mistakes along the way. Sitting here right now, this is the best I can tell of what I think 2008 holds in store for the trio. I suspect it will take about 5 minutes after finishing this to be proved wrong, just telling us that we're not in control as much as we would like to be. 1. Liam's first birthday (9-24-08)! Man is he fun right now. He's smiling almost uncontrollably and within days of a laugh coming out. He doesn't seem to mind daycare 3 days a week, but I know he likes 2 days with Dad better because he "blows out" more outfits at daycare than with Dad. He loves the bath, blankets and waking up and seeing his mummy first thing in the morning. We've started posting videos on Google but Courtney will have to tell you how to access them... 2. The sell of our first home (anyday-anymonth-08) - we would have liked to see this happen in 2007 but we're victims of a terrible market. We're OK (for now) and we have seen a dramatic increase in activity over the last two weeks. Selling a house is about as fun as waking up at 4am and having to rush to the airport for the first flight out....every day....actually it's WAY worse. Here is the listing on RealTracs if anyone is interested, We currently have offers for $1 and $100,000 I think, we're entertaining new offers... 3. The grand opening of Ugly Mugs Coffee & Tea (5-1ish-08). In case you haven't heard we will be opening a coffeehouse this year. It has long been a dream of ours that we thought would forever be a dream, or at least something we would do during our mid-life crisis years...those came sooner than we thought. Our goal: simply to create a place that is fun to hang out in, fun to talk, listen, read, write, think, meditate or whatever you would want to do in a coffeehouse. You are all invited to come as often as you would like. I will be leaving the professional world to operate it day to day and Courtney will be the bread winner, unless we can find a way to get her there too. The sooner she can be there greeting people, the sooner we succeed! 4. Our 3rd wedding anniversary (12-2-08). And our 2nd wedding celebration anniversary (4-22-08). Can you believe it! And if you don't know what that means, I wouldn't blame you. Courtney has given me the best 4 1/2 years of my life and I look forward to an eternity more of them. 5. The election of a new President of the United States. I think they should all go on the show "last comic standing" and the winner becomes President. Or maybe "American Gladiators"...I don't know...anything would be more fun than these debates. This is only 5 things and one of them really doesn't have to do with us, but look at #3 - that will take up a whole 1/2 of the year. I'm sure that there are a million things I'm leaving off too, but we'll just have to learn about those as we go. Wish us luck, pray for us, sprinkle fairy dust on us or whatever you want to do, we'll need it. We're excited, nervous but for some reason completely comfortable with where are lives are headed. Here's wishing you a happy, blessed, love filled, everything you hope it will be, and thought provoking 2008! Our love, TDT.